/ XLor
動漫花園 3-rd party mirror site
Resonance Market
实时 查看 / 上报 雷索纳斯市场行情
Create your own Anime Space.
An open-source Online Judge.
Competitive Programming Statistic Analysis Site Generator.
Upload your Code and Share it.
弥希 Miki 的舰长日报.
米汀 Nagisa 的舰长日报.
CPany 5
Competitive Programming Statistic Analysis Site Generator
app GitHub Actions Vite Vue TS
MikiCaptain 12
弥希 Miki 的舰长日报
app GitHub Actions Vue TS
unplugin-info 80
Export build information as a Vite virutal module
Vite TS
unplugin-analytics 5
Universal Analytics Engines Integration
Vite TS
Resonance Market 44
实时 查看 / 上报 雷索纳斯市场行情
app Vue nuxt TS
AnimeSpace 50
Create your own Anime Space
CLI automation TS
AnimeGarden 369
動漫花園 3-rd party mirror site
astro serverless TS
Optc 26
An easy way to write TypeScript CLI Script
naria2 18
Convenient BitTorrent Client based on aria2 JSON-RPC
XLorPaste 3
Upload your Code and Share it
app serverless Vue TS
An open-source Online Judge
app nuxt TS django Python
AnimaLeague 3
Generate 立直麻将 league score report
GitHub Actions TS
XLang 12
A Simple Programming Language powered by XLex and XParse
PL compiler TS
FlashFill 8
A Rust implementation of Sumit Gulwani. Automating string processing in spreadsheets using input-output examples
PL Rust Vue TS
CatBox 2
A light process isolation sandbox used for competitive programming contest
competitive-programming Rust
Breadc 8
Yet another Command Line Application Framework with fully TypeScript support
BreadFS 4
Unified File System Abstraction
node TS
memofunc 3
Memorize your function call automatically
epubook 10
A Node EPUB 3 generation library
epub JSX TS
anitomy 5
A TypeScript port of Anitomy inspired by AnitomySharp
bgmc 4
Bangumi Data / API Clients
vite-email 2
Send emails rendered by Vite and Markdown-It automatically
Vite CLI automation TS
vite-plugin-cloudflare-functions 51
Make Cloudflare Pages Functions works with Vite friendly
Vite Cloudflare serverless TS
vite-plugin-sharedworker 7
Make SharedWorker works like Remote Procedure Call easily
Vite service worker TS
presea 14
An utility function for bundling Node.js single executable applications.
node TS
CloseAI 18
OpenAI proxy cloudflare worker
AI serverless TS
icpc-cli 25
A command line tool for solving programming challenges.
competitive-programming CLI Python
VisualAlgorithm / GraphEditor 5
Graph and sort algorithm visualization
editor visual qt C++
OI-wiki 20783
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
algorithms competitive-programming icpc oi
slidev 32866
Presentation Slides for Developers
slides Vue TS
vueuse 19856
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
Vue compsoable
wrangler 2606
⛅️ Home to Wrangler, the CLI for Cloudflare Workers®
Cloudflare serverless CLI
nuxt/image 1329
Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt applications.
nuxt image-optimization
magic-regexp 3823
A compiled-away, type-safe, readable RegExp alternative
regexp TS
unbuild 2314
An unified javascript build system
xLog 2264
An open-source creative community written on the blockchain.
blog blockchain React
cmdk 9690
Fast, unstyled command menu React component.